Wat Bodhikaram
Invitation to Kathina Ceremony on November 9-10, 2018
កឋិនទានសាមគ្គី ដែលនឹងប្រព្រឹត្តទៅនៅវត្តពោធិការាម
» ល្ងាចថ្ងៃសុក្រ ទី៩ ខែវិច្ឆិកា (ខែ១១) ឆ្នាំ២០១៨ ពីម៉ោង 7:30 ដល់ម៉ោង 9:00ល្ងាច និមន្តព្រះសង្ឃចម្រើនព្រះបរិត្ត។
» ថ្ងៃសៅរ៍ ទី១០ ខែវិច្ឆិកា(ខែ១១) ពីម៉ោង 9:00ព្រឹក ដល់ ម៉ោង 2:00 រសៀល: នមស្សការព្រះរតនត្រ័យ សមាទាននិច្ចសីល និមន្តធម្មកថិកសំដែងធម៌ទេសនា និមន្តព្រះសង្ឃទ្រង់បាត្រ វេរចង្ហាន់ប្រគេនព្រះសង្ឃ បំពាក់កម្រងផ្កា និងថតរូប អនុស្សាវរីយ៍ម្ចាស់ក្រុមត្រៃ ដង្ហែអង្គកឋិនទាន និងវេរកឋិនទានប្រគេនព្រះសង្ឃ។
សូមពុទ្ធបរិស័ទ សប្បុរសជនទាំងអស់ចូលរួមអនុមោទនាតាមសទ្ធាជ្រះថ្លារៀងៗខ្លួន។ សូមអរគុណ!
Annual Robe-Offerings (Kathina Ceremony) is the Buddhist traditional ceremony which is very important that the Buddha had allowed the monks, who have stayed during the rainy season for complete three months in any temple, to receive Kathina robes from lay devotees. We, the Board of directors of the Mondul Ottawa Khmer Buddhist Monastery, Bodhikaram Temple, would like to invite you, your family and friends to attend this annual occasion which is organizing as scheduled at the date and location below:
Location: Bodhikaram Temple , 4537 HAWTHORNE RD., Ottawa, ON K1G 3N4
-Friday Evening November 9, 2018 from 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm: Paying respect to the Triple Gem, taking the Five Precepts and the Monks Chanting the Paritta.
-Saturday Morning, November 10, 2018 from 9:00am to 2:00pm: Paying respects to the Triple-Gem and taking the Five Precepts, Dhamma Lecture by a Monk, Putting alms in to alms-bowls, Food Offering to the Buddhist Monks, Blessing given by the Monks, Lunch of Monks, Processing Kathina requisites and Offer the Kathina robes to the Sangha (community of monks). Please join us in order to preserve traditional Khmer Buddhism, and to perform the merit for your present and future life. May you be blessed by the Triple Gem! Thank you!
Invitation for Bonn Chenh Vassa October 1, 2017
Time: 7:00pm to 9:00pm
-Sunday Morning, October 1, 2017
Time: 9:30am to 1:00pm
Please come and join us in this ceremony in order to perform the merit for your present and future happy life. May peace and happiness be upon you and your family! Thank You!!!
សូមគោរពអញ្ជើញពុទ្ធបរិស័ទជិតឆ្ងាយទាំងអស់ ចូលរួមអនុមោទនាបុណ្យចេញវស្សាដែលនឹងប្រព្រឹត្តទៅនៅ វត្តពោធិការាម, អាសយដ្ឋាន 4537 Hawthorne Road, Ottawa, ON K1G 3N4.
-ល្ងាចថ្ងៃសៅរ៍ ទី៣០ ខែកញ្ញា ឆ្នាំ២០១៧
ចាប់ពីម៉ោង ៧:០០ ដល់ម៉ោង ៩:00
-ព្រឹកថ្ងៃអាទិត្យ ទី១ ខែតុលា ឆ្នាំ២០១៧
ចាប់ពីម៉ោង ៩:៣០ ដល់ម៉ោង ១រសៀល
សូមពុទ្ធបរិស័ទសប្បុរសជនទាំងអស់ចូលរួមអនុមោទនាកុំបីអាក់ខានឡើយ។ សូមពុទ្ធពរទាំង៤ប្រការកើតមានដល់អស់លោកអ្នកគ្រប់រួបគ្រប់ទិនទិវារាត្រី!
Pchum Ben Ceremony បុណ្យភ្ជុំបិណ្ឌ September 16, 2017
Dear Devotees, Ladies and Gentlemen! You are invited to participate in Pchum Ben Ceremony (Khmer Ancestor’ Day) which will be held at the location and date as below:
-Friday Evening, September 15, 2017 at 7:00pm to 9:00 pm, Paying respect to the Triple Gem, undertaking the Five Precept and invite the monks to chant paritta.
-Saturday Morning, September 16, 2017 at 9:30am to 1:00pm, Paying respect to the Triple Gem, undertaking the Five Precepts, Dhamma Reflection by a monk, giving alms into the monk’s alms-bowls, offering food to the monks and dedicate merit to our ancestors.
Please come to join this auspicious ceremony with us in order to preserve Khmer Buddhist culture, to share the merit with our ancestors and late relatives as well as to cultivate our own merit.

-ព្រឹកថ្ងៃសៅរ៍ ១១រោច ខែភទ្របទ ត្រូវនឹងថ្ងៃទី១៦ ខែកញ្ញា ចាប់ពីម៉ោង៩:៣០ដល់ ម៉ោង១ រសៀល ថ្វាយបង្គំព្រះ សមាទាននិច្ចសីល និមន្តធម្មកថិកសំដែងធម៌ទេសនា រាប់បាត្រព្រះសង្ឃ វេរចង្ហាន់ប្រគេនព្រះសង្ឃ ឧទ្ទិសកុសលដល់បុព្វការីជននិងញាតិកាទាំង៧សន្តាន ។

Kan Ben Bodhikaram Temple September 6 -19, 2017
Our forefathers defined this ceremony from the 1st to 14th day of waning moon in the 10th lunar month, the month Bhadrapada (usually falls in September) as Kan Ben ceremony and the 15th day of waning moon as Phchum Ben (Khmer Ancestor’ Day or Festival of the hungry ghost). These 15 days are called Phchum’s Season (Rodov Pchum) which is held every year. It is believed that during this time the guardians of hell release all hungry ghosts to come to earth to appreciate the merit of their relatives who bring foods, fruits and other requisites to offer the monks in the temple and dedicate merit to them. After the hungry ghosts appreciate the merit that their relatives dedicate to them, they are no longer hungry ghosts in the suffering realm, but they turn to be heavenly beings living in Heaven. With gratitude, they bless their relatives who have accumulated good karma on their behalf and wish them happiness and prosperity. That is why our forefathers have been holding this ceremony from the ancient time until now. Each Kan Ben’s Day people gathering as a family or group taking turn bringing food and requisites to the temple to offer to the monks and dedicate merit to their ancestors and late relatives. On Pchum Ben Day, people all groups and family come to the temple to celebrate it together.
In 2017, the Kan Ben Day will be started from September 6 to September 19, and September 20 is the exact Pchum Ben’s Day. Under the circumstance that we can hold the event only in the weekend to give people the time to come and celebrate together, Bodhikaram temple will start Kan Ben from September 6 to September 19, except on September 16 we don’t have Kan Ben Day, but celebrate Pchum Ben Ceremony together.
We would like to invite you, your family and group to take turn for Kan Ben (Kan Ven Ben) any of your available day from September 6 to September 15 and come to celebrate Pchum Ben Day together on September 16 and then we continue the Kan Ben’s day until September 19. If you are available on September 20, please come to celebrate the exact Pchum Ben day again.
Thank you for helping us to preserve Buddhist Culture for the sake of all beings.
Ordination Ceremony and Sangha Puja August 11-12, 2017
សូមគោរពអញ្ជើញពុទ្ធបរិស័ទញាតិមិត្តជិតឆ្ងាយទាំងអស់ចូលរួមអនុមោទនាបុណ្យបំបួសកុលបុត្រ និងបុណ្យសង្ឃបូជា។ សូមជម្រាបថា លោក អឿ សម្បត្តិ និង លោក ហេង សំអាត មានសទ្ធាជ្រះថ្លាចូលបព្វជ្ជា(បួស) ក្នុងព្រះពុទ្ធសាសនា។ ពិធីបុណ្យនឹងប្រព្រឹត្តទៅនៅវត្តពោធិការាម ទីក្រុងអូត្តាវ៉ា 4537 Hawthorne Road, Ottawa, ON K1G 3N4.
You are invited in join the ordination ceremony and the ceremony of Sangha Puja. Please be informed that Mr. Oeur, Sambath and Mr. Heng, SamAth will become Buddhist Novice Monks. The ordination ceremony will be held at Bodhikaram Temple 4537 Hawthorne Road, Ottawa, ON K1G 3N4.
- Friday Evening August 11, 2017 start from 7:00 pm
- Saturday Morning August 12, 2017 start from 9:30 am
Please come to participate in this auspicious ceremony with us. Thank you!
New Address of Bodhikaram Temple អាសយដ្ឋានថ្មីនៃវត្តពោធិការាម
End of Buddhist Lent Ceremony October 25, 2015
You are invited to attend and appreciate this meritorious act for the own happiness in this very life and the next as well as to transfer the merit to your departed ones. Your participation is very much appreciated. May you be blessed with peace and happiness!
Thank you!
Kathina Ceremony November 14, 2015

at Bodhikaram Temple: 1197 Deer Park Rd, Ottawa, ON K2E 6H5
Arrival of guests, Paying respect to the Triple Gem, taking the Five Precepts and the Monks Chanting the Paritta.
-Saturday Morning, November 14, 2015 at Tom Brown Arena 141 Bayview Ave. Ottawa, ON K1Y 4M3
-9:00 am : Arrival of guests.
-9:30 am : Paying respects to the Triple-Gem and taking the Five Precepts.
-10:00 am : Putting alms in to alms-bowls, Food Offering to the Buddhist Monks.
-11:30 am : Blessing given by the Monks, Lunch of Monks, Dhamma Lecture by a Monk, Processing Kathina requisites and Offer the Kathina robes to the Sangha
-12:00 am : Communal Lunch.
Please join us in order to preserve traditional Khmer Buddhism, and to perform the merit for your present and future life. May you be blessed by the Triple Gem!
Thank you!
Magha Puja Ceremony បុណ្យមាឃបូជា
Magha Puja is organized to commemorate two important events on full moon day of the month Magha (Lunar calendar) in the Buddha’s life, i.e. The Fourfold Assembly and The Rejection to the aggregates of life.
The monks and Board of Directors of the Mondul Ottawa Khmer Buddhist Monastery would like to inviteyou and your family to attend this ceremony which will be celebrated at the date and location below:
Buddhist Fundraising Ceremony (បុណ្យផ្កាប្រាក់សាមគ្គី)
Friday Evening August 24, 2012.
Location: Bodhikaram Temple, 1197 Deer Park Rd, Ottawa,
Time: Start from 7:30 pm t0 10:00 pm : Arrival of guests, Paying respect to the Triple Gem, taking the Five Precepts and the Monks Chanting the Paritta.
Saturday morning August 25, 2012
Location : Tom Brown Arena, 141 Bayview, Ottawa, Ontario
Time :
Impact of Buddhism on Civilization
For over two thousand years, Buddhism has satisfied the spiritual needs of nearly one-fifth of mankind. Today the appeal of Buddhism is as strong as ever. The Teachings of the Buddha remain among the richest spiritual resources of mankind because they lift the horizon of human effort to a higher level beyond a mere dedication to man’s insatiable needs and appetites. Owing to its breadth of perspective, the Buddha’s vision of life has a tendency to attract intellectuals who have exhausted their individual quest for meaning. However, the fruit of the Buddha’s vision is something more than intellectual gymnastics or solace for the intellectually effete. Buddhism does not encourage verbal speculation and argument for its own sake.
Buddhism is practical, rational and offers a realistic view of life and of the world. It does not entice people into living in a fool’s paradise, nor does it frighten and agonize people with all kinds of imaginary fears and guilt-feelings. It does not create religious fanatics to disturb the followers of other religions. The Buddhist attitude to other religions is remarkable. Instead of converting the followers of other religions into Buddhism, Buddhists can encourage them to practise their own religions because Buddhists never think the followers of other religions are bad people. Buddhism tells us exactly and objectively what we are and what the world around us is, and shows us the way to perfect freedom, peace, tranquility and happiness.
If humanity today is to be saved from reacting against the moral standards taught by religions, Buddhism is a most effective vehicle. Buddhism is the religion of humanity, whose founder was a human being who sought no divine revelation or intervention in the formulation of His Teachings. In an age when human beings are overwhelmed by their success in the control of the material universe, they might like to look back and take stock of the achievements they have made in controlling the most difficult of all phenomena: their own selves. It is in this quest that the modern human beings will find in Buddhism an answer to their numerous problems and doubts.
Today, Buddhism appeals to the West because it has no dogmas, and it satisfies both the reason and the heart alike. It insists on self-reliance coupled with tolerance for others. It embraces modern scientific discoveries if they are for constructive purposes. Buddhism points to man alone as the creator of his present life and as the sole designer of his own destiny. Such is the nature of Buddhism. This is why many modern thinkers who are not themselves Buddhist have described Buddhism as a religion of freedom and reason.
The Buddha’s message of peace and compassion radiated in all directions and the millions who came under its influence adopted it very readily as a new way of religious life.
(source: http://www.buddhadhammasangha.com)
The Buddhist Lent (បុណ្យចូលវស្សា) July 29, 2012
The Board of Directors of the Mondul Ottawa KhmerBuddhist Monastery will be celebrating the Buddhist Lent ceremony (Bonn Chol Vossa) at the date and location below:
-9:00 am: Arrival of guests
-9:30 am: Paying respects to the Triple Gem and taking the Five Precepts.
-10:00 am: Putting alms into alms-bowl, Food offering to th Buddhist Monks.
-11:30 am: Blessing given by the monks, Lunch of monks, Dhamma Lecture.
-12:00 am Communal Lunch.
Please come and join us in this Buddhist Lent Ceremony order to perform the merit for your present and future happy life. May peace and happiness be upon you and your family!
Thank You!!!
Download flyer as Khmer and English
Visakha Puja Ceremony (បុណ្យវិសាខបូជា) May 5-6, 2012
-Pay Respect to the Triple Gem and Undertake the Five Precepts
-Invite the Monks chanting Paritta
-Perform the devotional acts and offerings to the Buddha
Sunday Morning, May 06, 2012
-9:00 am: Arrival of guests
-9:30 am: Paying respects to the Triple Gem and taking the Five Precepts.
-10:00 am: Putting alms into alms-bowl, Food offering to th Buddhist Monks.
-10:30 am: Dhamma Lecture given by the monk.
-11:30 am: Blessing given by the monks, Lunch of monks.
-12:00 am Communal Lunch. Click Here to get Flyer
- The Buddha was born on this day. Buddha was born into a royal family in what is now Nepal.
- The Buddha achieved "The Enlightenment(NIRVANA) on the same day
- He passed away at age 80 in India.
- The Noble Truth of Suffering
- The Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering
- The Noble Truth of Extinction of Suffering
- The Noble Truth of the Path leading to the Extinction of Suffering
Magha Puja (មាឃបូជា) February 05, 2012

Location: Bodhikaram Temple, 1197 Deer Park Road, Ottawa, ON
Saturday Evening, February 04, 2012
Start from 7:30 PM to 10:00 PM
-Pay Respect to the Triple Gem and Undertake the Five Precepts
-Invite the Monks chanting Paritta
-Perform the devotional acts and offerings to the Buddha
Sunday Morning, February 05, 2012
-9:00 am: Arrival of guests
-9:30 am: Paying respects to the Triple Gem and taking the Five Precepts.
-10:00 am: Putting alms into alms-bowl, Food offering to th Buddhist Monks.
-10:30 am: Dhamma Lecture given by the monk.
-11:30 am: Blessing given by the monks, Lunch of monks.
-12:00 am Communal Lunch.
This ceremony marks two important dates in the life of Buddha. The first event occurred two years after Buddha’s enlightenment and is referred to as the Fourfold assembly.
These events were:
1-All 1,250 monks had achieved enlightenment.
2-These monks were ordained by Buddha himself
3-The monks assembled on their own without being called together.
4-It was a perfect full-moon day.
All of these occurred on full moon day of the third lunar month. As part of this gathering Buddha gave the basic principles of Buddhism to the monks, called the 'Ovādapātimokha' in the afternoon of Magha Puja day, at the grand temple Veluvana (Bamboo Grove) in the city of Rajgaha.
These principles are:
1-Not to do any bad deeds
2-To do good deeds
3-To cleanse the mind of impurities.
If everyone followed these principles we would have a peaceful family, peaceful community, peaceful nation, and peaceful world. Or put another way, we would have peaceful and happy lives. The second event occurred in the second half of Buddha’s life on Magha Puja Day. The Buddha delivered a sermon called "Keys for success". The second event was three months prior to his passing away and it’s also said that on the same day of giving sermon called “Keys for success”, the Buddha declared that he would pass away in three months time. During this ceremony lay people focus more intensely on Dhamma and meditation. Dhamma (or Dharma) as it is sometimes referred to is the teachings of Buddha. Lay people would typically take vows to refrain from bad habits and perform acts to benefit them spiritually.
The Keys are as follows:
1- Good will and good intention (Chanda)
2- Effort (Viriya)
3- Thoughtfulness (Citta)
4- Investigation (Vimangsa)
Cambodian people recognize this opportunity to perform merit-makings. In the morning, they prepare and offer food to monks. Elderly people take this opportunity to practice Dhama, paying, concentration and purifying minds. Some of them even stay at the temple overnight.
In the evening, every temple is readily prepared for candle procession to take place. Just after 6.00 or 7:00 p.m., monks and novices come to the major temple building, so called 'Preah Vihear'. Chief monk lead the pray . People readily assemble and prepare flowers, joss sticks and candles to perform the devotional acts.
Magha Puja is the day that Buddhists are to make merits, to perform candle processions to maintain religious commandment to practice Dhama and to Pay Respect to the Lord Buddha. These are main Buddhist doctrines. May peace and happiness be upon to Cambodian and all beings in the universe!
បុណ្យចេញព្រះវស្សា [The End of Buddhist Lent Ceremony] October 8, 2011
The Board of Directors of the Mondul Ottawa Khmer Buddhist Monastery is organizing the End of Buddhist Lent Ceremony, Bonn Chenh Preah Vassa, at the date and location below:
Location :
Date :
Time :
9:00 am : Arrival of guests.
9:30 am : Paying respects to the Triple-Gem and taking the Five Precepts.
10:00 am : Putting alms in to alms-bowls, Food Offering to the Buddhist Monks.
11:30 am : Blessing given by the Monks, Lunch of Monks, Dhamma Lecture by a Monk.
12:00 am : Communal Lunch.
Your participation is our honor and much appreciated. May peace and happiness be with you!
Thank you!
Read more..The End of Buddhist Lent
បុណ្យចូលព្រះវស្សា (BUDDHIST LENT) On July 16, 2011
Date: Saturday Morning, July 16, 2011
Location: Bodhikaram Temple, 1197 Deer Park Road, Ottawa, Ontario
9:00 am: Arrival of guests
9:30 am: Paying respects to the Triple Gem and taking the Five Precepts.
10:00 am: Putting alms into alms-bowl, Food offering to th Buddhist Monks.
11:30 am: Blessing given by the monks, Lunch of monks, Dhamma Lecture.
12:00 am Communal Lunch.
Please come and join us in order to perform the merit for your present and future happy life. May peace and happiness be upon you and your family!
បុណ្យវិសាខបូជា Visakha Puja - Bodhikaram Temple May 14, 2011
- The Buddha was born on this day. Buddha was born into a royal family in what is now Nepal.
- The Buddha achieved "The Enlightenment" (NIRVANA) on the same day
- He passed away at age 80 in India.
- The Noble Truth of Suffering
- The Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering
- The Noble Truth of Extinction of Suffering
- The Noble Truth of the Path leading to the Extinction of Suffering
Khmer New Year Celebration, April 16, 2011
Date: Saturday Morning, April 16, 2011
Location: 1065 Foster Farm Ramsey Cress. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
9:00 am : Arrival of guests
9:30 am : Paying respects to the Triple Gem and taking the Five Precepts.
10:00 am : Putting alms into alms-bowl, Food offering to th Buddhist Monks.
11:30 am : Blessing given by the monks, Lunch of monks, Dhamma Lecture,
Transferring merits to our ancestors.
12:00 am : Communal Lunch.
Please come and join us in order to preserve our Buddhism, Khmer Culture and to perform the merit for your present and future happy life. May peace and happiness be upon you and your family!
Please click here to read the article about Khmer Traditional New Year
Magha Puja Day (បុណ្យមាឃបូជា)
2-These monks were ordained by Buddha himself
3-The monks assembled on their own without being called together.
4-It was a perfect full-moon day.
2-To do good deeds
3-To cleanse the mind of impurities.
2- Effort (Viriya)
3- Thoughtfulness (Citta)
4- Investigation (Vimangsa)